Saturday, May 18, 2024

(#5585) Enjoying my less than impressive mind today

      I started to write this post many hours ago but nothing jumped out at me so I got into listening to some music and lost myself there for several hours. I still have no clue about what subject I will finish this post with but I figured if I got to typing about the lead up to it maybe something would just form in my head to give me a topic worthy of exploring. So many thoughts that are not full subjects but have nonetheless been circulating my mind. I suppose I could write about the many of them in short but meaningful ways. Work, home life, and social activities have been wonderful and full of enjoyment but nothing is pressing hard on me to articulate.
     I guess this is just one of those days where I sit back and choose to do whatever strikes my curiosity along with getting some chores done. We all have days where the world gets along just fine without our commentary or attention. I do feel like I am letting myself and others down when I don't have a thought about something that would be of interest to share. Yet it appears I am here at this point. I usually would have a remark about the ongoing fight to preserve democracy and end tyranny but even I get fatigued by it all. Unlike Ukrainians and other defenders of democracy that don't get a day off from exemplifying their plight to amass the help needed for themselves to survive. Which is why I do feel less than noble for not forcing a thought of importance onto this page.
     However, even defenders and fighters of and for democracy need to know what the fruits of their honorable labor is. Having democracy gives us freedom and liberty which I translate as the right and ability to choose to pursue my happiness as long as it does no harm to others. That is the essence of democracy. Freedom and liberty with justice and fairness for all. This is what Ukrainians are fighting for and others in the world who are currently under the oppressive yoke of some egomaniac who has only his own freedom and liberty as his goal and not anyone else's. So as I sit here without saying too much I feel like I have done at least a modicum amount of being useful today.

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