Friday, May 17, 2024

(#5584) Easing the hard in life

      As I have lived there has been little easy about life. Most everything has some or a lot of hard to experience. I find a lot of the hard, by which I mean difficult to achieve or accomplish, both mental and physical, is involved in my actions. To get things that are needed done it often requires a sacrifice from me that depletes my energies and physical abilities. I do recover from these exertions but as age has come upon me the recovery is often much slower and filled with bodily ache. Yet I wouldn't trade the moment of decision of any of it for not doing the act.
     As to the mental strain that is hard I only need to look at those who have been loved by me and are now no longer in existence or are fighting to remain. As happy and carefree as I hope to be, the solemn and staid positions that envelope me when heartfelt times occur tortures me to no end and there is no relief except to accept and trudge on. The hard of emotion is much more difficult to navigate than the physical hard that beats me down because most of the physical turmoil I am able to endure can be soothed through time. The emotion hard is not like that since it stays with me for the duration of my life.
     For those who can find it within themselves to not only live through the hard but work to ease its effects I admire and respect you. Because I know how difficult life can be when we struggle to survive with happenings that cause actual physical pain and mental anguish that is inconsolable. Life is hard so being ready to endure and move forward is part of the inner resolve needed to have a happy life. Having a happy life is not always happy but it is mostly so despite the hard life brings into it. Each day I choose to see the world as getting better because I am in it doing what I can to ease the hard in life.

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