Saturday, May 25, 2024

(#5592) Tyrant putin is not worth half a million lives

      It is not like anyone cannot count. Especially given putin is an older man who has already lived his horrible life to a long enough length. But to give 500,000 young lives so that he can keep killing more young people is beyond absurd. It is the worst crime in our existence today that putin has not been stopped by any means from his inhuman quest to sate his ego. After more than 2 years of his ambition to defeat his cultural cousins in Ukraine he has been allowed to destroy more than 500,000 Russian young men with impunity. For their part the Russian mothers and fathers who have stood by and allowed this are no less to blame.
     What parent would not protect their child from being killed when the alternative is to stop the one mad person forcing the deaths? Do Russian parents even love their children or do they see their children as property to be used for any purpose? The arrogance or ignorance it takes to allow a whole generation of young men to die for what is now nothing is beyond imagining. Even if Russia were to take all of Ukraine today would the parents of these dead children feel like it was worth it? Living in peace with their neighbors would have been much more enticing when that alternative was always available minus putin.
     That is why I cannot understand the cost/benefit analyses when nothing will change in the ordinary Russian family life except the loss of their children. They could have had a prosperous peace with their neighbor Ukraine and their children alive with them. The complete madness of all that is happening in Russia could easily have been avoided by the Russian people if they would have valued the lives of their children more than the psychosis of putin. Reaching this half a million dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine milestone is apparently not enough for the Russian people who will keep adding to that total to satisfy some unbridled murderous quest by their demented leader. Shame on the Russian parents of those dead Russian soldiers!

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