Tuesday, May 21, 2024

(#5588) More than 495,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine

      I would have waited until this number reached half a million but I do like to bring this up a bit earlier because it does preface my absolute astonishment that the Russian people are allowing this to continue. It is their sons that are doing the dying in Ukraine yet they seem to have been whipped into submission so thoroughly by putin that giving their children for his ego is acceptable. Tyranny has a hold on the Russian people so much so that they must be totally devoid of what it is like to live with dignity and respect. They are not free nor equal in their society and that is why the rest of us must fight with a single purpose to destroy those who would make a zombie like nation like Russia happen.
     Eventually with over 1000 deaths daily of Russian soldiers in Ukraine the stock of young men will be so depleted that a whole generation of Russians men will have been eliminated from existence for what I see as for nothing. That putin has designs on his own power and rule is of no consequence to the lives he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his madness. He will never be a leader of the world he is only going to become the greatest scourge ever as a Russian. Eventually putin will meet his demise and in the meantime how many more Russian young men will have to be given back to the ground? Many Ukrainians are also having their lives end because of putin but at least the Ukrainians are trying to help putin along with his demise and not just allowing putin to end them with no fight against him!
     In the next few days, 4 perhaps less, 500,000 dead Russian troops in Ukraine will be achieved. Then the next round of half a million dead Russian soldiers will begin counting. There is nothing on this planet worth killing that many young people. I am still thinking that although it is unlikely, the Russian people will put a stop to this and find a way to reverse the ongoing supply of death to Ukrainian soil. If not then we in the west along with the brave noble people of Ukraine will find a way to stop putin before he can commit even greater atrocities not only to Ukrainians but to his own people.

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