Sunday, May 12, 2024

(#5579) Life goes on but it is hard not to think of the worst being done by putin in Ukraine

      I see the big picture well and it worries me when considering the events in Ukraine. Yet in my own life I am much more assured that the future is becoming brighter and happier by the day. There is a lot to do and much work goes into that brighter and happier but they are things I can control and as my future is about to change with another person, her making me feel content and happy just adds to the confidence I feel about now our personal future. As to the larger picture of despair I feel for the innocents in Ukraine there is a maddening to it that unsettles my soul. I want the end of that insane putin invasion but I know now that it will never end as long as he reigns in Russia.
     I don't let the bigger picture destroy my personal one. There are many things that are going on simultaneously and I can handle them all in behavior and emotion. Having the capacity to separate out my horror at things from my happiness is not easy but it must be done. I won't dismiss any of it but the basic compartmentalization of the many paradigms that crisscross my existence is necessary. I am both equally happy and saddened by events in my life and the world despite the different effects they enact within me. It is my duty to be all of who I am and not just what I want the most. Being a human is more complex than most would admit but I do because it does differentiate us from any other species.
     So today I will enjoy the life I am living and celebrate that as should be acceptable. I do not diminish the worst going on still while I spend time and relax a bit with others. The old saw about being able to walk and chew gum at the same time is applicable here. The complexity of our world requires us to hold several understandings, however not as if they are mixed together. I can enjoy the freedom and liberty that democracy avails on me while also knowing the hardships Ukraine is going through right now to defend their right to that same democracy. If I could be in two places at once I would but in lieu of breaking the laws of physics I will instead be where I am at but not forgetful of how others are striving so valiantly to keep their democracy.

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