Thursday, May 9, 2024

(#5576) Apathetic arrogant conservatism

      In my youth I was a leader for rights and equality. That has never changed! I didn't evolve from the hubris of my youth focused on correcting injustices and stamping out prejudice. If anything I have become more determined to dig out the root causes of anti democracy behaviors. I see so many of my generation who have somehow allowed themselves the ease and comfort of dismissing what was important to them when they were young. They have become the establishment that most all of us railed against when it was as clear as a sunny day that wrong had permeated into too many of our social, political, and economical societies.
     I started out voting for democrats, the only political party that has ever done more for the working middle poor class. I am still voting for that party that is even more now the champion of the working middle poor class. We democrats, have remained focused, combatting the decades of anti melting pot policies of republicans and their mantra of selfish conservatism stained with white nationalism, We do not get sidetracked with selfishness or greed. We who were of the Woodstock generation had it all before us and then too many of us let the narrative slip away and became what we then abhorred. To allow ourselves to change into what we railed against is as dishonest as it is despicable.
     The republican party is where you find the haters and ego maniacal. Yet too many within our Woodstock generation are become them. How is it that we have sold our souls for the lure of filthy lucre and disrespectful power? I get what greed can do and how money and power can entice but are we so vain and dull not to know that a price is extracted from every act we perform? I will never be willing to pay the cost of selling my good and honest principles for sullied material gain or undeserved psychological gratification. We democrats stand on the principles of liberalism where individual and civil rights, freedom of enterprise, openness to new ideas, and acceptance of all are the foundation for society, not the denial of them.

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