Wednesday, May 29, 2024

(#5596) The Russian invasion in Ukraine is a tipping point for the world

      If you think this Russian invasion of Ukraine doesn't matter to you then you are a fool. Democracy is on the line for the world including the United States. No country will be able to stand on its own if Russia does what it is intending. The threat of Russia taking over the world began in 2022 in Ukraine and is still be decided there. Containing the ambition of putin and his fellow tyrant types is crucial. It is in Ukraine where we the world need to stop it. The Ukrainians already knew this which is why they stood up to the mighty Russian army and up until this point have kept themselves from being trampled under.
     All of Europe is at the doorstep of Ukraine and if Russia is operating Ukraine. Then the onslaught will begin and the swallowing up of all those neighboring countries to Ukraine will continue and won't stop until the United Kingdom is part of Russia. On the north west coast where Alaska borders Russia we Americans are also vulnerable as the Russians have already stated that Alaska still belongs to them. There is no going back on this. No putting the genie back in the bottle. The invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was an announcement to the world that putin is coming for all of our democracies until he is the ruler of the world.
     We must all think of ourselves as on a war footing. Peace cannot only be seen as our present status quo. Not if we are to be prepared to defend our way of life. The tyrants of the world know the window of time is closing on them which is why they are in with putin to succeed. Because if democracy defeats putin in Ukraine then their wishes for greed and power will end as well. This moment in time, this invasion by Russia into Ukraine is the tipping point for all of us to see so that we can make up our minds whether we want to rule ourselves, or be ruled by some demented soul who would not care about what we think or feel.

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