Sunday, May 5, 2024

(#5572) Some puzzles I encounter I cannot solve

      Life is a puzzle to me. So I do try to solve as many of the puzzles that make up life as possible. I may solve a few but many are not solved by me. Even when logic will solve them it seems like logic is not enough for me at times. I am human not a machine so my expectations are high but my ability is less high. If you are like me you stay after things that initially escape a conclusion and apply time to them to help along the process. Eventually I solve some and that makes me feel accomplished in a way. But other times I am denied a conclusion and sit unwell in my failure.
     Some puzzles are never to be given up on and that is a good thing. Others are not worthy of the time and effort and should be left undone. When I obsess over something mostly irrelevant I am not only wasting my time but allowing myself to become frustrated over something mostly pointless. I have to watch myself at times because even if a puzzle is inane it has a way of capturing my focus beyond its worth. A sort of battle of wits with myself that is nothing if not a bit egotistical. My imperfections are real to me yet I seem to want to deny their existence. I cannot solve all the easy, medium, or hard puzzles in life but I can solve the ones that are a real priority to me.
     I freely admit that nothing comes real easy to me. When I was younger and learning in school there were times when I was so confident in how I figured out concepts and insights. Yet that confidence has not been consistent in life. There are so many variables that factor in that being confident about any solution to a puzzle is more relief than me feeling poised. Keeping up with what is expected of me and then trying to do more is a real challenge. So when something comes along that has real puzzling qualities I am ready but not always able to solve that particular mystery. I keep trying though.

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