Friday, May 24, 2024

(#5591) Despite republican denials that they don't see people as property, it is still true!

      Let me explain it this way. The republican party loves money. So their psychopathy of archaic thinking is what is familiar to them. They saw the advantages to the owners of slaves and long for those days where they themselves get to reap from the labor of others with minimal cost to themselves. Win/win for them. They really don't care about the individual rights of anyone but themselves so why would they be concerned about those persons they use? They wouldn't and don't! Which really helps to explain why the republican party for the last 15 years has refused to raise the federal minimum wage above the current $7.25 an hour.
     By keeping wages low wherever they can they get to use those people who are laboring to make better profits for themselves. They don't care about the financial impact on their workers they only care about their own bottom lines. So having a poor working class that is filled with many tens of millions they get their wish for greater profits and less cost. Keeping people poor to use as workers is not as bad as slavery, which is a silver lining for republicans, yet does accomplish the same economic goal. The republican hierarchy love this scenario because it benefits them to where they truly are the lords of their realm because most everyone else is left with little to be made from their labor and more dependent upon being obedient to republican owners.
     In this scenario the regressive nature of denying voting rights is also easily understood. The republican party would like to deny voting rights for every citizen and return it to only property owners. With the republican party giddy over making the most of the money they surely can make it hard for ordinary poor workers to actually become landowners. This way the republican party can control not only the economic advantages of having most of the money but as well the political power to enhance their lifestyles and not those who are left out of the voting process. Instead of democracy for all they would have a plutocracy which is government run by the wealthy. This is republicanism so decide which political party you are voting for this November with your eyes wide open!

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