Thursday, May 23, 2024

(#5590) I washed and dried my wallet unknowingly

      There was 34 dollars in it so I expect I am now a money launderer. lol. Mostly everything in my wallet is plastic so there is that but not all. So peeling back pieces of paper to preserve the paper was a bit cautious but successful. My wallet is old and needs replaced but I hadn't found the time nor the inclination to do that until now. What beating the wallet had taken over the last decade has now been amplified with water and heat. Yesterday I also had some berries in my knapsack that found their way out of their container and settled into the bottom of my knapsack so the knapsack now needs to go through the wash although it is washable material.
     The wallet thing though is more of a problematic situation. I will not be using my wallet today as I leave early for work and without my knapsack I am reconfiguring how I will carry what I need for the day until I can rectify the cleaning of my knapsack and buying a new wallet. Such 1st world problems. :) Yet they are the ones I am faced with today. I also started a very restrictive diet 2 days ago so carrying around what I need to eat and drink today is going to look different. I only have today for work so getting through today is my only real challenge as it requires me to be on the road in different vehicles throughout the day.
     I rarely write on topics like this but it was just so front and center in my mind this morning I couldn't imagine writing about anything else. I chose to start this diet and it is, it seems, the beginning of all the little troubles I am currently having which reminds me of yesterday's post about choices. I know that the diet itself is not to blame and is actually working and I will go into it later when the final results are in but suffice it to say that I should have prepared better for the effects of it than I did. Choices that are not prepared for may lead to washing the wallet and berries spilling out into the bottom of a knapsack or as in my case exactly that.

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