Thursday, May 2, 2024

(#5569) It's brain crunch time

      The coming election is not going to be a cakewalk for Joe Biden even though it should be. The reason is that too many folks are persuaded by nefarious forces that have no good intent for the betterment of society other than their own. Instead of thinking like defenders of democracy we are being led to believe that division of our species into sub categories is elevated and acceptable. Those doing the division are claiming to be enlightened while those who are the divided are not so. Apparently masters and slaves by another term is the new rage.
     The criminal mind of the republican candidate doesn't seem to hurt his standing among his acolytes which seems counter to an enlightened society. Yet that is the conundrum we are facing. A notorious man who is so far removed from enlightened thinking is being thought of as the next coming of brilliance. I for one am so much ashamed of my fellow American compatriots as I would have thought that even the simpleness of seeing his debasement would be enough to consign him to the dustbin of history. But it seems that not even simple concepts are to be relied upon for making logical decisions.
     I still hold that the blue wave election that should be coming will be coming and not even shady polling is changing my perception. It is now May so we are still 6 months from the election and the trials of criminal and civil wrongdoings are still in force against the republican candidate. On the other hand Joe Biden is compiling quite an economic and foreign policy record of achievement. Like I said earlier this should be a cakewalk for Joe Biden against a failed and heavily flawed republican candidate but regardless if not the prevailing doubts about which candidate will carry the undecided voters to me still falls to Joe Biden and not the miserable egomaniacal republican.

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