Tuesday, May 7, 2024

(#5574) The battle for the soul of the world

      This invasion by putin into Ukraine was just the beginning for him. He putin, saw his opportunity to overpower Ukraine and gain a strategic foothold on the doorstep of western Europe that would allow him to capture the many small nations that would be vulnerable to his conquesting dreams. Western Europe, though largely part of NATO, would have soon learned that they were unprepared for an invasion by putin and the momentum he would have brought to it by taking Ukraine within a week or two. The fact that Ukraine is now more than two years into holding putin at bay is a testimony to the desire by the Ukrainian people for democracy and their own self rule.
     What that two years has done for western Europe and the world at large is help to focus them and the rest of us on the dire consequences of a putin victory in Ukraine. Not only has the world focused on the ambitions of putin and the repercussions of his maniacal ambitions but it has given the nations in proximation to Ukraine time to solidify their own fortifications and alliances. Ukraine has served two outstanding purposes to date. First to fight with bravery and determination to thwart the putin led horde and secondly to delay time for nations to further protect themselves.
     When I say the battle for the soul of the world I am talking about saving democracy from tyranny. In democracy we are all part of our government and societies, whereas in tyranny we are slaves who serve a master or suffer and die. The choice is clear and the facts are also clear. The dictator putin and his acolytes in the kremlin must never be given anything but defeat. There are times in our history as human beings where we have had to make a stand and then defend that stand. This is one of those moments. If putin is not stopped in Ukraine then the rest of western Europe will feel the flames of warring invasion from putin. If putin is stopped in Ukraine and sent back to his borders then the world will know the power of individual rights collected together under the greatest form of government ever devised, that being democracy.

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