Friday, May 3, 2024

(#5570) Russian troop losses per day are averaging over a thousand

      Even though Ukraine is short on armaments for the moment they are defending their territory with a fury. The armaments are being replenished as this post is being written and strategies for those armaments are being devised. Yet still the Russian "brain trust" has been unable to save itself from much harm at the hands of Ukrainian defenders. With Ukraine back to being stocked the Russian chances of claiming victory are even slimmer. I don't know how long Russia can keep letting it's young people die at over a thousand a day but it will have to end shortly with either an improbable victory or a coup within Russia.
     Ukrainians were not what the Russians thought they would be. Instead of being cowardly or weak, they are brave and strong. Thus the Russian losses of troops are well over 472,000 with at least equally as many injured. Russia is a big federation but they are not that big to withstand that many losses of young lives. The other federated regions of Russia that are bearing the most losses are not going to be easily mollified into accepting much more. Now that Ukraine is fortified with a new round of armaments and commitments from western countries to tie their futures together the likelihood of a Russian victory in Ukraine is really much worse than improbable.
     As Ukraine is emboldened to attack inside Russian territory the damage to Russian economic war making entities has suddenly increased. Much already of the Russian budget has gone to the illegal invasion of Ukraine while the social economy of Russia is being depleted. How much longer the ordinary Russian citizens will take from putin and his kremlin mob is really at a tipping point. I know putin has them scared of his reprisals but the suffering Russians are now mired in may make putin's threats seem less scary. We will see as the Russian troop losses continue to rise will the Russian people finally say enough!

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