Wednesday, May 22, 2024

(#5589) Life is about the choices we make

      I was reminded last night about choices. Every choice we make has a consequence. We may think we can evade the consequences of our decisions but we cannot. There is no changing the facts of things when our choices are less than noble or honest. There is no need to change our choices when they are honorable and good. Think about that for a moment. Everything we do in life will leave a example to be followed or discarded. I can only speak on behalf of myself but it would seem wise to be on the correct side of things. Not trying to manipulate situations to our advantage but to accept situations that have been addressed the proper way.
     My own psyche is at stake in every decision I make. When I do the correct proper thing with no shortcuts to it then I know that there is nothing that can come back at me that needs correcting. I move on into the next choice and make it like I make all the choices in my life, with great respect to the truth. As I live my life I live it with the contentment of someone who is doing the best I can without reservation. I can hold my head up when looking anyone in the eye. I am not trying to make myself into something I am not, I am instead doing the correct thing and letting all who are involved know there is no ulterior motive to my choices.
     I am not the master of things that are not mine. I am the master of things that are rightly and fairly mine. I don't get to make up rules that always favor me I get to utilize the rules to be fair to all who are involved. Being honest and a good person is my purpose and nothing on Earth will shake that responsibility from me. I know who I am and I am fortunate because of that. Life is good and good things have a tendency to follow good people. I have seen enough good people in my life to know that they are real and I am attracted to them. I am one of them and if we were all out to make choices that reflected goodness and fairness the world would be so much more interesting and happy.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

Sadly, there are idiots out there who don't believe in genuinely good people and will always be looking for an ulterior motive. Stay true. :)