Saturday, June 1, 2024

(#5599) The stench of republicanism is overwhelming!

      To even believe anything coming from republican politicians is a far stretch. I have very little heard of their members criticizing their leading contender for the presidency nor his claims of everyone else is on a "witch hunt" against him. As if they are unable to call the facts and truths what they are. That being the case then believing them on anything is untrustworthy. This is the stench of which I refer. When a piece of the body has decayed and started to rot is way late in the process of having it removed. Same as on the body politic, yet they don't in the case of their rapist, criminally convicted republican front runner for our presidency against democrat Joe Biden.
     Instead they focus on the idea that a former president should have immunity from any and all crimes against our laws and constitution. Tell me if you will why would we as a democracy would want to give one person the right to trample and destroy the rule of law and undermine our constitution? All the rest of us are bound by the oath of the constitution by default because we choose to live in our US society. So why would we give a person of low moral and ethical character a special disposition against doing harm he surely has and will continue to commit? There is no logical nor common sense reason for giving him anything except his "deserves" as a citizen of the US. Due process and a fair judgement.
     That speaks to the illogical and debased republican frontrunner but what of the 90% of republican politicians who still support and defend him? What is their reasoning for protecting a person who has been guilty of rape and now criminal charges of law breaking? What is their logic or common sense reasoning for supporting him with impunity and wanting to give him the job as the leader of our democracy when his goal is to destroy that very same democracy? There can be no other answer that can be defended as true other than one of a nefarious nature. They are also like minded with trump and want a society where the rich and powerful can live above the rules and silence those from our democracy that don't agree with them.

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