Wednesday, June 26, 2024

(#5624) We must help Ukraine stop Russia at Ukraine's doorstep

      The first stage of the invasion of Ukraine has been kept within that country and even though the paper tiger Russian army had all the initial advantages they still failed to fulfill their goal of overthrowing a democratically elected government in Ukraine. Instead the Ukrainians never fainted from their ominous task of keeping Russia from routing them. This stalemate in Ukraine has been going on for the last few years and as of now with no end in sight. Yet Russia continues to lose men and equipment at an alarming rate. So what does Russia do? They are enlisting foreign fighters to help them combat against the Ukrainian army.
     With NATO, the EU, and other western nations along with America all in on protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine, it is time that troops from other countries be given the green light to come into Ukraine and fight as entities of their own. This battleground in Ukraine to stop the Russian advancement to destroy democracy is not going away and is either going to be confronted with force or will be mowed down as a failure of strength by the west. The bottom line here is whether democracy can protect itself from tyranny. The last world war was fought to prove that but it seems every 50 or more years the lesson gets forgotten.
     This latest attempt of tyranny to destabilize the world through men of no good intent is our task to prevent. The timeline of human history will reflect our ability to overcome the worst of what a human being can do to another. Keeping the resolve to heal our world at the doorstep of Ukraine will not only help Ukrainians overcome the grave threats that are ongoing to it in this moment but will also keep the rest of the world safe from having to have their own worlds torn apart by a despot with no soul. The counter to putin and his small cabal of complicit culprits is to fight them hard and fast with relentless strength. Enough so that when they falter from our response there is nothing left of them to begin again!

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