Saturday, June 15, 2024

(#5613) The Internet, the great equalizer to partisan traditional "news" sources

      In 2021, Joe biden signed his 1 trillion infrastructure bill into law. Included in that infrastructure law are funds for the following, improvements for roads and bridges, prioritizing disadvantaged areas provided over 5,000 low and zero emission American made transit buses to 600 communities, modernizing 450 ports and waterways, modernizing 300 airport terminals, 4,100 projects to thwart effects of climate change and cyber threats, 1,400 drinking water and wastewater improvements, replace 1,700 miles of toxic lead pipes, protection from wildfires by removing hazardous waste material from over 15 million acres, improving drought resilience through 500 projects.
     In over 200 jurisdictions, large and small, improving resilience and reliability for their electrical grid, over 23 million folks can now access free or low cost Internet because 12,000 miles of Internet was added across 370 counties, particularly giving 289 tribal governments connectivity to 65,000 tribal households, enacted new rules to expose Internet junk fees requiring transparency for 300 million Internet customers, plugged 8 thousand orphan gas wells, provided necessary funding for 95 previously underfunded superfund sites in order to clean contamination, funding for 180 programs to address clean energy, climate and other concerns to low income communities.
     This is the link to the information I summarized, If you have any doubt as to the democratic party concerning our vision for the future this blog post will help you to understand that we are the people's party in all 50 states and 6 territories. We democrats want all of us to pursue our dreams with equity, equality, and opportunity. Please vote for all democrats on your ballot and don't be swayed by the corporate media and their interests of greed and power much like their republican owners. Do your own objective research now that President Biden has made the Internet much more available than before.

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