Wednesday, June 5, 2024

(#5603) Busy day at the doctor's office yesterday

      Everyone should know how long one has to wait in order to get a doctor's appointment. Well the one I had made several weeks ago came about yesterday. Of course I have been right smack dab in the middle of a head cold and wasn't sure I could make the appointment. Knowing I needed every edge I could get I rested up most of the early day yesterday sleeping as much as I could so that I could at least try to go with the least amount of runny nose, sore throat and general fatigue symptoms as possible. It seemed to work because after my shower just before leaving in the later afternoon hour I felt somewhat refreshed and hoped it would last through the appointment.
     I informed the doctor's office that I had a head cold and they told me to come in but to wear a mask. I figured on that anyway so off I went. I got to the facility and was seen nearly immediately. The doctor was great and very detailed in looking at my history and overall symptoms besides my head cold. I have another concerning issue which the doctor addressed with a possible solution and that is in progress now. But the care and attention to my whole self was welcomed. After the doctor visit I was requested to take four tests and they went smoothly and quickly at the same facility.
     I was out of the facility in less than a few hours and the experience was most welcomed by me. So much so do I feel better about all of it that my head cold is now waning and into the mopping up stage. I will be able to work today with a mask on and other precautions but I have the energy this morning and feel ready to enjoy my day instead of endure it. Yesterday was my first day with my new doctor and the processes entailed in that and I am well satisfied with the endeavor. I am fortunate that I am not under some barrage like a hostile nation trying to eliminate me like in Ukraine so I do appreciate my good fortune and still hope to see the Ukrainian people enjoy the same health care for illness that I have.

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