Tuesday, June 4, 2024

(#5602) I feel better today but still a bit weakened

      It has been ages since I had caught some bug that got me off my feet. Long before Covid and then with all the current inoculations up to date I had remained well. Until this last weekend. There had been a bug going around at work and I thought I had avoided it but it seems I didn't. I somehow became susceptible and hopefully have gotten through the worst of it this morning. What is a bit of happenstance is that I also have a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. My plan is to keep the appointment unless they tell me otherwise.
     I do not like having to adjust my schedule around some bug that is filtering it's way through our society but I must now reconsider Covid protocols like masking up, keeping distances, hand sanitizer, etc... Being out in the workforce is somewhat still new to me since I started back to work last year. As well there has been much action on my part relocating to another part of the country and all the details that needed attending. In other words I have been experiencing a new level of tiredness that I was struggling to alleviate. No rest for the weary comes to mind and in my case with my short term past activities combined with my age I see that I set myself up for being invaded by some bug as I was vulnerable.
     I do try to keep myself to myself for the most part but sometimes it is impossible to achieve. As to this current head cold I have at the moment, I seem to be able to function with some clarity despite the weakened feeling I am having. My head seems to be coming around as well the sinuses and sore throat abating, No one likes to get sick and I am sure that none of us plans for it. It is just part of being in a multifaceted society that we need and want to interact with each other. As for me I am going to take what I can for today and hope that by tomorrow morning I will be able to get back into my daily schedule with some relief.

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