Tuesday, June 11, 2024

(#5609) Treason to Democracy must be identified from without and within

      I saw an interesting article this morning. It was out of Moldova, a country neighboring Ukraine that is also, like Ukraine, attempting to join the European Union as a member state. They, the Moldovans, equally find themselves being infiltrated by Russians through propaganda and governmental authorities creating ties with nefarious Russian officials to influence and spy on Russia's behalf. As Moldova, and the rest of the civilized world, has discovered little used current treason laws are not specific enough to counter today's modern applications of treasonous activities.
     Which is why Moldova has just implemented new treason laws that bring wartime treason activity to peacetime as well as strengthening and growing treason laws that are tougher in sentencing. Moldova is trying to protect its democracy from without by supporting Ukraine to stop the fascist putin and his Russian army from overrunning Ukraine and itself while also working to protect its democracy from within by making it harder for Russian collaborators to subvert the Moldovan government. Protecting its democracy is moldova's main concern and those who would attempt to undermine it are now closer to being identified, charged and sentenced with a greater degree of accuracy and toughness.
     What Moldova is doing should at be least a blueprint for the rest of the world's democracies including our own here in the United States. As we in the US design our defenses against the enemies from without we are lagging in the area of protecting our democracy from the enemies from within. I don't have to name those who are putin followers here in the US, they have already named themselves. Now our task is to strengthen our laws to not only identify those who are working to undermine our democracy with current impunity but to upgrade existing wartime laws to include peacetime activity. We do this by legislating more modern laws that reflect the nefarious ways some utilize treason to undermine our democracy.

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