Sunday, June 9, 2024

(#5607) Temptation is always there so keep to your path

     I know this subject very well. I am old enough to have been tempted away from what I know is right and what I know to be better. It was because I didn't have a strong enough commitment to myself and what I hold dear. The greatest thing I ever did for myself was to decide to live as me and not what others wanted, or some greater thing I thought I could be. I am me and that is good. So now when any temptation comes about I have a filter to run it through that is clear and easily understood. Temptation to do many things or even to not do things are always around me but having a system within myself to define the temptation in real time is exactly what I needed.
     Of course I am always striving to improve what I am but that doesn't require me to change who I am to effect that improvement. The change always conforms to who I am. I am always becoming a better person since that is what I want but I don't do that to put who I am in jeopardy. I have a foundation of good built at the base of me and all that I become is settled atop that foundation. If I get a sense that something is enticing me away from where I am settled then I pause to exam the temptation and dispose of it properly so that the next time something similar comes around I am aware before it even tries to become a temptation.
     My inner strength is my guard at the door to who I am and at no time shall I let my guard off with a pass. Life is like that. When you least expect some life changing moment it will appear and make my life unsettled as to my values. I have seen enough of life to know that temptation is the one area where most all of us have our downfalls so being ready for when temptations will occur is the best defense in keeping to who I am when I am at times most vulnerable. Who I am is the key to me and for others to learn whom they are. Once found, we all will find that we are here to be ourselves and not anyone else.

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