Wednesday, June 19, 2024

(#5617) It seems my life is to take a detour for a bit

      Funny thing about life, the best laid intentions are not always fulfilled with the hope they began with. I have a bit more work to do in Sacramento of a personal nature that involves adjusting my property. I will need to be there for the split of it into two lots and refurbishing the existing one to meet the needs of the new accommodation. What this will allow me to do is realize some capital while maintaining my existing lot with the house on it to preserve its utility for those who are enjoying it. Having a bit of a capital gain while maintaining my steady income from the house gives me an opportunity to come back to Seattle and have a few coins available for a new enterprise I hope to start.
     My future is here in Seattle area but my past has to be rectified for my future to take hold. Along with a health issue that the hot Sacramento weather may help, it was also necessary for my fiance and I to extend our engagement for the time being instead of marrying next month like we hoped. All things considered taking the time to handle what needs to be done now and not moving too fast toward our goal of being married is the best course and we both agree that having things in the proper order is what is most advantageous to us having a future beyond the call of the past.
     There are no deserves or privileges owed to any of us so my idea of having what I want when I want it is not in play. I have learned over a lifetime that because one may desire does not mean that one may have. Learning to live in an existence where two make the decisions in life is new to me but not foreign either. I will straighten out my past to help me in my present while dealing with an everyday more understood health problem. This post may be a bit rambling but it is coming from straight inside me and I like to type that way whenever these moments occur. This present detour is only that, a detour. I look forward to the time when my life really does begin in short order where I want to be with the happiness I hope to continue.

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