Friday, June 28, 2024

(#5626) There are a lot of good people out there

      Keeping the good people in your life is always the best option as well as adding more good people to your life. I am always looking to add people to my life who see the better in us than the worst. I, like everyone I know see the worst out there but those are not as many as the good people I see. I give every human being a chance to show who they are and start from there. I am often surprised at how great some people are beyond the good I initially saw from them. Some just have a knack for going above and beyond the normal and are more relentless in the care for those whose lives they can positively affect.
     I do my part but like with age it isn't as fastidious nor ever expanding as I have done in the past but I keep trying despite my slower approach to new people. The species we are part of is unlike any other ever shown in the history of our world. We are all unique and capable of amazing things we just need to be given the opportunity to display an inkling of that talent. I have a philosophy that is exactly like this: The denial of curiosity and compassion leads to other lesser admirable traits. So when we don't give people the chance to show who they are through care and wonder they often become less so and are not at their best. All I do is respect everyone when I meet them and show them a smile that lets them know that I am more like a friend than an enemy.
     Just that little bit of encouragement is enough to get them to show who they are to me and that is where we both start. I have a duty as well to them to show them the best of who I am and then live up to that every moment afterward. None of us is more important nor less important than another so being true to our desire to live life to the fullest demands that we treat each other as we would ourselves be treated. It isn't that hard or difficult to do. We all have to start by giving something of ourselves as an offering and then waiting to see a similar offering back. We don't need a payback of sorts just an acknowledgement that a kindness has been shown. We need each other to be honest with each other and that is how this surrounding yourself with good people in your life process works.

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