Thursday, June 27, 2024

(#5625) Staying on top of things

      Every day is something different but the key is to stay on top of the things that need our attentions. What those are in your life are necessarily different than mine but the priority of them is the same, regardless of their form or function. We each have to distinguish the hierarchy we need to order our lives and those around our lives as best to be lived. It isn't up to us to make the world a better place but it is up to us to at least try. Having the purpose of being an evolving improving human being is foundational and must always be adhered to with diligence.
     Some of us have lots of time on our hands so we think that procrastination is worthy sometimes. Yet we often find that letting things slip in order for us to ease from our known responsibilities causes worse case scenarios to flourish. I have been through that before and as a rule will not allow myself comfort when the uncomfortable needs attending. It is better to feel an accomplishment in our harder tasks than to shirk them for nothing more than a sense of false entitlement. I hear in my own mind the false premise that going beyond what is naturally expected of me by others is a fools errand yet because no one is harder on me about things than myself, only a fool does nothing when something can be done.
     Which is why even I and my own, at times, frail mind cannot be trusted when value in the bigger picture is far superior to my own sense of why a deserve should be fulfilled. I just know better that to do what I should do in the logic of life is always going to be proper regardless of my own personal struggle to enable the best of me. My purpose is as simple as this. I need to be a person who leaves whatever I am about in a better place than when I first arrived. My mark in life is advancement, not decline. Although I am only here in existence for a short time I want that time to be measured with wisdom not distraction.

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