Tuesday, June 18, 2024

(#5616) Figuring out my health

      The one thing I know for certain is that health issues are not cut and dry as to simple answers. At least not until enough information has been accumulated in order to rule many things out and narrow the possible solutions into a more complex formula that will eventually reveal a most probable cause. Then it is the application of a surmised solution that will finally determine if the issue is finally resolved. Such is where I find myself at the present moment. My symptoms are revealing in that they do point in a specific direction but other factors make the cause a bit more complex in determining. I will get there though because science works when it has enough information.
     In the meantime I am dealing with my issues as best I can while trying not to exacerbate them. I have a life to live and some things cannot go unattended. Not all of us are able to sideline ourselves out of our responsibilities in order to maximize our ability to minimally add to our health concern conditions. So being wise and judicious about my present state is the highest priority fitted within my need to be and take care of what is a must in my life. Older age brings about lots of questions about a lot of issues that over a lifetime have developed. Parsing those out into their proper category is the phase I am in and until we can narrow my cause down I will be in this not sure stage for the time being.
     Being in good health is the first step toward living an active and productive life so for now my activities are restricted. After finding that my good health needs some help to recover it is my responsibility to correctly adhere to whatever is necessary to not only find the cause of my current malady but to address the demands of the sensible cure. I am certain that something is coming that will explain my symptoms with a logical cure and for that I am grateful for having health care professionals at my side who are cautious and progressive in their attention to my health. I will know what to do soon enough then a post like this will be written in the near future with a simplified conclusion attached to the end of it.

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