Thursday, June 6, 2024

(#5604) Live life, don't be afraid of it

      I know that being inside our heads is a comfortable place but it is also a place where we have much doubt about what is going on in the world. Nothing new there. We all have the same doubts about our existence. But what I have found is that life is short and doubts aside, life is still fun and happy if we can just be ourselves. I don't get hung up on the rituals of making it through each day I just live and do the next right thing. It is amazing just how simple life is when we just stop trying to complicate it. One foot in front of the other. One movement toward a desire or need or want and whatever our path ends up being it will be okay.
     My only motto in all of this is to do no harm. Can life get any less complicated? When I am doing no harm it means I am doing the next right thing. As well the inverse to that is that for the most part no harm comes back to me and others seem to be doing the next right thing. I am 68 years old now and for the life of me cannot tell you how quickly I got to this age. There are lots of things I wished I had done but didn't think I would be running out of time to accomplish yet here I am in my declining years now less able to physically do those things now I could have easily done when I was a younger man.
     Instead of seeing some drudgery of moving from day to day with our responsibilities the correct approach is to appreciate that we have another day to be who we are, which for most all of us is an amazing person with the best intentions. Every moment in our lives is precious and how we spend those moments is the benchmark of our ability to keep who we are in line with how we live. I get up early to prepare for my day. In that day I am armed with my smile and a good greeting to those who cross my path. I have no time for anything other than the bright side of things and it is amazing as well how I can put situations that occur into a light of amusement. Life is good no matter the obligations or responsibilities. We just need to be the master of ourselves and let the world know our inner brilliance.

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