Friday, June 21, 2024

(#5619) Weight loss

      I started the year being overweight at about 275 pounds, I know it was from a lot of good food during the holidays and a lack of commitment to eating more healthily. I had one guilty pleasure with that being tasty food. The problem I had was similar to the one when I drank alcohol, too much and not enough moderation. Well nearly 18 years ago I solved the alcohol problem once and for all but the same process cannot work with food. So I earlier this year devised a plan to at least get down from the 275 mark into the 250 range. I reduced my intake of sugar and percentage amounts of other foods. It worked and by late March I had reached my goal of just under 250 pounds. My clothes started to hang off me a bit and that was a good sign.
     Keeping it off was now my goal and I did so for the next few months until I became aware of a diet plan to get me to a place I hadn't seen since I was a much younger man. My goal became 220 pounds. I am now at 221 pounds and by this time tomorrow should be at my goal. It is a diet of restrictions but doable for the healthy eating habits I would like to maintain. I will stay with the diet with a few minor additions for a little while longer because I would like to drop down to 218 or even 215 pounds. I do believe that at that weight I can then start to tone my body back to a more manageable 220. I am a survivor and realizing that reducing weight is crucial to a longer life I am ready for the challenge.
     I won't have to give up all the guilty pleasures that some foods elicit, but the moderation of them will be the key. I am ready to do this now and like in the past when I have changed my life for the better, this will be no different. I am doing this for me without hesitation because the alternative does not appeal to me. As logic would have it it is also nice to feel less bound by the laws of gravity. I have other issues of health I am working on that are having some effect on me but like the weight loss the health issues will be resolved and I expect to be much more active and have greater ease of movement. It is all good and here I am feeling good about it.

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