Monday, June 10, 2024

(#5608) The battle for democracy or fascism

      Is it me or does it seem that too many voting age persons don't understand the difference between these two forms of governing? In fascism we have a nation governed by a tyrant where race and nationalism is the higher concept for attaining. You know where like only white people who are not "stained" with blood from other "inferior" races are allowed. Protecting their pure race formula is the priority above all. We saw this last century with Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito who formed the axis to try to take over the world and make their vision of pure race a foundation. As the extermination of various races death camps exposed at the defeat of nazism.
     This in contrast to what democracy provides. In democracy we the people decide what is our future and how that future evolves. We are not limited by race nor do we harm any outside the laws that we all prescribe for ourselves. There is no leader who is a tyrant only an elected one that we the people vote in or vote out. We make our own rules to satisfy inclusion and all ideals and principles of equality and fairness. In a democracy we are free to pursue our happiness as long as it does no harm to others. The rights of all human beings to be an individual within our democratic society is freely given and protected as a right within our legal and ethical structures.
     So my question is how can these two forms of government be competitively considered in a modern world where information about knowledge can be received in real time on the Internet? I suspect that fascism is not being expressed as it truly is as a form of condescension that denigrates human beings based upon diversity. Whereas democracy is not being promoted as it is with diversity and acceptance at its core. It really does boil down to a love/hate component. Either you see everyone as a free human being or you don't. If you are in the fascist camp then you do not see everyone as equal. If you are in the democracy camp you do see everyone as equal. You decide which camp you are in and don't lie to yourself or others about your decision!

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