Monday, June 3, 2024

(#5601) Not a routine day today

      Over the last few days I seem to have contracted some minor throat irritation that has me feeling weak and tired. I figure a common cold as it is just like the ones I used to get throughout my life. Same symptoms nothing extraordinary. So I have been less than normal lately but I have gotten things done that are important but not overtly intrusive into anyone else's life. Keeping myself masked up and out of range when others are nearby. Unfortunately I have to get things done as I have my priorities to accomplish that are absolutely necessary. Well absolutely necessary in my mind anyway. lol.
     Much like writing this blog post I feel the demand from myself even though in the big picture of life this daily posting I do is as insignificant as I am in the whole scheme of existence. Yet I am propelled by my own inner sense of duty to sit here at my computer and realize some topic worthy of letting out into the ether. I would rather be laying in my bed sleeping as a way to rest my body and help it fight off the whatever it is that is making me feel sickly. But like most of us humans, I continue to operate when I shouldn't, because of logic and common sense.
     It is the duty to things that I have that drives me beyond the sensical and makes my life less than comfortable. In other words I do this to myself. Which is fine as I am like many before me who sought to remain loyal to a worthy cause instead of just relaxing and doing what is best for my own personal self. As I get closer to the end of this post for today I am starting to feel a little invigoration for having gotten this much down on a day where my mind is full of little nothings. I suppose this talking about how sick and mentally unprepared I am for this moment is worthy in that when we all are down and wanting to just step away from what we normally do there is a compromise out there where the need of the duty is fulfilled and now I get to go lay down as well. :)

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