Wednesday, June 12, 2024

(#5610) I am only one human being

      All of my life I have felt that if it was up to me to change the world into a better place I was up to the task. Never in my dreams did I think I would be fighting against my own neighbors and fellow countrymen to protect the democracy that our past generations fought so hard and long to give us. As this election season comes into being over the next 5 months or so it seems from polling, not realistic in my mind, yet still being forwarded that there is a doubt as to who will win the presidency and control of our Congress.
     The republican party has been riding the coattails of a disgraced former electoral college appointed president who is all in on letting democracy slip from our grasp. He wants to be like putin his friend over in Russia and control the United States in the same manner that putin controls his population, through force and fear. Me sitting here, I can see how ludicrous it is to even think that we proud Americans who parents fought and died to bring fascism to its knees during World War II would even consider supporting republicans who are of the same mindset. Yet when I see the news and hear the talk from too many I come across they are convinced that those of us fighting to preserve democracy are on the wrong side of things.
     I know there is an information disconnect here but I don't know how to change that and if it continues those who are not defending democracy are becoming bolder in their attempt to destroy it. For me I am only one man who is willing to put everything on the line to protect our democracy and hopefully will not stand alone with those few others who are out here with me. It is time for all of us to take a stand about our democracy and if we want to keep it now is the time to make that decision. Do not sit back quietly thinking others will do the work you want to avoid because it may be unpopular with some. Just remember, you are the only one you need to impress in life, no one other!

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