Sunday, June 30, 2024

(#5628) Another long driving trip finished

      I just finished driving back to California so I can take care of some unfinished business. I will be here for a bit or as long as it takes to accomplish what I hope to achieve. But the trip itself is what I want to talk about this late morning. I drive as a transfer driver for UHaul moving trucks and trailers around where they are needed but this type of driving is much different. In our Uhaul experience we are basically in and out of the trucks within an hour so getting around is quick and requires far less time behind the wheel. This trip back to Sacramento is much different. There is only the gas fill up and rest stop breaks to break up the monotony of the trip which in this case is about 800 miles.
     I have made this trip tens of times in my lifetime and most always I drive straight through because that is how I did things of this nature. I am older now and the way I did things when I was much younger and more adept is not my forte anymore. Yet I persevered and accomplished the trip in not the usual 12-14 hours but this time in about 18 hours. I even fell asleep at a rest stop for about an hour. Much needed sleep by the way and when I awoke I was refreshed enough to finish my drive to get here to my nephews and type this post. I had hoped to spend the day with him and his family but it seems they have caught a cold so I best continue on home to Sacramento.
     I don't know how many more of these trips I have left in me but everytime lately I keep saying to myself this will be the last. lol. Fate has a way of dealing me opportunities to extend my opposition and if so will do it again. I am not the type to stop halfway and stay in a hotel for the night. I am the type to drive, like I do at work until my task is completed. Some old dogs cannot learn a new trick such is the case with me. I am here now, tired and somewhat in a weakened state but I do feel good and over the last hour I have left to get to Sacramento I will do it easily and with an air of come what may. :)

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