Sunday, June 23, 2024

(#5621) Ukrainians are a special people

      I see the videos of these young Ukrainian soldiers and their expertise in battle. It is quite a feat these young people exhibit in rising to the moment when their nation is under direct military attack. I would hope our youngsters in the United States would perform as admirably in the face of grave consequences. But the Ukrainians are doing it and it is amazing to see their tenacity and courage in the face of the ultimate sacrifice one can make for their country. It is really humbling when considered. These young people understand the idea of democracy and the freedom it freely gives to all who honor it.
     What has been lost here in the United states through dishonorable service from some of our highest elected representatives has tainted our perspective on what is truly magnificent about past American history and left us with chaos and confusion as to how to handle the freedoms we already enjoy and are now in jeopardy of losing. My focus is thus on the incredible people of Ukraine and their bulldog of a leader who is as relentless in his mission to bring peace and democracy to Ukraine as anyone I have ever seen. We are fortunate as well in the United States to have a leader in Joe Biden who stands shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine albeit with some trepidation.
     But the American trepidation is based on real factors and with putin being less than sane I will not be as critical as I could be in that regard. But I do want Ukraine to have all the advantages a democracy loving country should have when attacked by a tyrant who only wants to extinguish democracy so that he can rule ever greater territories not his. For me this is the moment in time when the good guys of the world need to say to themselves that no bad guy is going to have victory when we know we can stop him. Much like a stitch in time will save the whole from unraveling such is the case here. Get tough on the bully and lower him down to the ground with a powerful force until he cries out I quit!

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