Friday, June 14, 2024

(#5612) Taxes serve a purpose

      The problem republicans have is by telling people they want to cut their taxes is they don't go into the details as to what will happen to them with the taxes cut. All kinds of programs are eliminated and the wealthy get to keep acquiring more of the resources that the rest of us cannot then acquire. We have social programs to benefit all of society, in order to offset the wealthy who are in constant demand of taking more of the limited resources we have. There is only so much wealth out there and if the few wealthy have the bulk of it it makes it difficult for the rest of us to pursue our happiness let alone just survive.
     Which is why we democrats are always in favor of spreading the wealth around so that more people can have better things in their lives. When we all have a shot at our happiness then we are a happier society. When we don't and the wealthy keep getting richer the unhappiness increases and creates all sorts of angst and problems for our society. No one small group of people should have unlimited ways of taking most of our resources without being restricted at some point. I don't know what that point is but there has to be a ceiling where the wealthy cannot add to their totals any longer. There are 8 billion, give or take, people on our planet so the ones who have already made their more than fair share need to be stopped from keeping others from an opportunity to do the same.
     It is only logical that once having acquired enough wealth to spend each day without a financial worry in a lifestyle befitting a king, no further acquiring should be allowed through law. We are a finite economy with a massive amount of humanity. Not all will be talented enough and as well merit riches beyond safety and security but there are those who will and they need their shot at their dreams. People like me who are happy with a stable and safe life need far less but at least a shot to improve our situations along the way. Taxes on the wealthy as well as on those of us who meet the criteria are well worth the collecting and leave republicans with little to nothing else left to tempt the populace with.

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