Thursday, June 20, 2024

(#5618) Our fleeting moments in time

      I have had the privilege of being reminded that our moments together are special and should be countenanced so. They are not guaranteed nor due. We create them as possible and try to hold onto them as best we can but nothing is ours to secure for as long as we would like. It is unfortunate that wisdom and knowledge are not easily attainable when we are young so as to teach us early on the significance of each other as we pass through life. Once any of us is gone there is no retrieval or do over for their return. We are left with memories which are but a shadow of the soul no more.
     I spend a lot of my time trying to understand my environment and for me that is the itch I scratch for my survival. Yet my own life is devoid of many who are no longer and who I wish were still here with me on this journey. My mind is my safe harbor as it gives me purpose and resolve to a higher order of things that could and should already be however my heart is as attached to me as well and delivers its verdict as time passes by when memories and images of those no more fill my soul with longing of their being. I survive and move on but it is with a less than vigorous approach comparatively to my youth when all was still fresh and those around me were my fortress.
     I am older now and understand the cycle of life and how it does no respecting of whom it will pull from what we have within us away. We are a strong amazing species full of adaptability yet we are also frail in our emotions when our hearts can easily be broken and scarred. We carry on though because it is the nature of ourselves. But all of us carry with us the what could be if not for the disorder of loss and grief. I appreciate the moments in time I have now even though hindsight tells me I should have done the same back when it really would have mattered so much more for me. Regardless, we all need to see how important it is to care for the moments that matter with an eye toward them at some time being no more.

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