Sunday, June 2, 2024

(#5600) Turning the hard in life into good

      We human beings are an amazing species with characteristics that defy logic yet we are not settled as a species into a reality where easy is the dominant paradigm. Our lives throughout our history have been lived with a lot of hard involved. To exist and evolve into who we are today has required much of us that was difficult by nature and knowledge. Yet even with all the hard that confronts us we still find a way through it. Whether through sheer determination or support we struggle successfully to find our way beyond whatever the current hard is today to then find another hard come at us in other forms.
     The hard in life is how we came into being and so far has been how we have had to live to survive. There are those who cannot endure the trials that hard befalls upon us and that is tragic in that some have more hard hit them than others. We can regulate how the hard takes form in many instances but regardless hard will come and we as our unique species must continue to overcome it. When one or many of us defeats the hard in ways that is truly remarkable it gives hope to others who are fighting similarly hard situations. Our species becomes even more durable to the difficulties life puts in our paths. This existence in its form is one of sustainability but also devastation. We as a species have found the calculus to survive and thrive within it.
     By taking the victories over the hard in our lives and making it easier for others not to have those obstacles of hard in theirs we do our species a favor. We remove the old obstacles of hard to allow for new ones to appear. This is how we evolve as a species. By being challenged from one seemingly impossible scenario to a solution which then shows us a different impossible scenario to overcome. Our species' march through time and space like a boss is because the history of our species has taught us that nothing in existence to date has been able to thwart our manifest destiny to eventually end the hard in life and make life easier for all.

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