Tuesday, June 25, 2024

(#5623) Two days until the downfall of trump hits the national spotlight

     On Thursday, June 26th, the presidential debate between President Biden and convicted felon trump will take place in Atlanta. I really don't expect the deranged trump to go through with it but as for this moment it seems he will. I of course will not watch anything he is televised in but I will hear all about it from pundits and my political friends on Facebook. Needless to say it should be a catastrophe for trump since he is in mental decline. He will of course rail against Biden and democrats for supporting Ukraine, a democratic nation protecting itself from a tyrant's dictatorial overthrow but in trump's mind it is Ukraine's fault for not treating putin like the demigod he trump sees himself.
     As well trump will try to take credit for things Joe Biden passed under his watch but trump doesn't care about facts just the utility of lying when it strikes him. Also trump will boast of striking down Roe v. Wade as if he is some savior of women who now have less control over their own bodies. He will siren call to evangelicals that he is their savior and only he can restore religion above our constitution as he and they see it. Not a democracy anymore like our founders fought and died to implement. But a theocracy with white nationalism at its core. Where white people who are biased to their race will follow him and his piping straight off a cliff if need be.
     What trump won't do is talk about how he will address poverty or racism/sexism unless it is to continue those paradigms that only serve the wealthy in their attempt to own and control all means of commerce. Unlike Joe Biden who will trumpet his programs of job growth and lessening inflation coming off the disastrous electoral college appointment presidency of the loser trump by nearly 3 million votes overall. The Covid mismanagement by trump has been righted by President Biden and we are now back to being a healthier and reviving economic world giant here in America. The contrast between these two individuals is as stark as night and day with Joe Biden representing the bright days of our future and trump representing the dark nights of our past!

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