Saturday, June 8, 2024

(#5606) Start your life today if you are still lost and confused

      There comes a point in everyone's life where we say to ourselves this has to stop and something else has to start. I refer to that time before as my learning time. I tried various things to see who I was in this big confusing world only to find that none of those things were helpful in making me feel alive and confident. So I got to that point where I just stopped all my attempts to be someone I didn't know how to be and started to become the person I always was. I thought about who I was and what that me person liked. I thought about how I felt about life around me and how that should look when it was good.
     After a bit of thinking I decided that first off I was a good person who didn't want to hurt or cause chaos to myself or anyone else. That was important to me to know if I was going to be a happy helpful person or a person who didn't care about anyone else as much as myself. Once I established that I was going to be a hero type instead of a villain type I knew the rest would fall into place. I would work to learn more while building a foundation beneath me that was solid and worthy of defending. From that new rejuvenating starting point I considered myself tethered and safe from the winds of change and temptations of the past and present.
     My life began anew when I put the learning stage of my life behind me and started putting the comprehending of that learning stage into living choices that are positive and happy. I know now that I had to go through many things as for me in order to get to this place now, where I am so much more me than enytime ever in my life. Taking all those remembered thoughts of happiness from my first early time through all the other times of my life and filtering them to build my current vision of my life. Who I am is not a question as well what happens next will never be a doubt because I am living my dream.

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