Monday, July 1, 2024

(#5629) Back to my old routine

      Getting resettled into an old familiar pattern is going to be my new normal over the next several months. Things are playing out back to the way they were before I left for the Seattle area 3 months ago. I have work to do here and it is already starting to shape up since the moment I got here. My work and day schedule is already figured and now must be implemented. I have some other issues with the property but again, yesterday a possible solution appeared. I was just going to spend the day with close family yesterday and get some sleep after a long day of traveling but as fate would have it there is no rest when solutions come knocking on the door.
     I can get some more rest today and be happy about it as I can see an end to what I want to begin before I even start. Which is a very good thing from my weary perspective. I don't know how things will turn out but that they are turning is good. As for my animals who have been taken care of here in my old home it is like I never left them for those 3 months. They are all over me and that is the kind of reunion I had hoped for. It is funny with animals. I assumed they would think like me and give me what for as to leaving them back then but it isn't like that they just saw me and sniffed and then it was like I had never left. I am very grateful for having them in my life and in my presence now.
     What the future holds for me is what I hope will be the best that can be yet I know that so much is out of my control. But I am an optimist and see the world through that lens. With much to do here and accomplish I am sure that focusing on that will help other areas of my life to become much clearer and understandable in the best tradition of doing what is right and good. I never change from that ideal. Living life on honest terms so that all that I do is reflected out as such. As an aside, sitting here at my old desk is really a comfortable way to start my first full day back in my old home.

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