Sunday, July 7, 2024

(#5635) Republicans cannot control curiosity nor can they control compassion

      I have stated many times in this blog that curiosity and compassion are the true natures of our species. We have had to evolve and survive but the core of who we are is that we want the answer to why and we have love in our hearts. These two things, wonder and care, make up everything that we do that is correct and good. We must as human beings live who we are! There are too many people in the republican party who see us not as free human beings pursuing our happiness but as reflections of who they want us to be. They are willing to make us suffer in order to fulfill their desire that we be not who we are but who they think we should be.
     I am able to say these things about republicans because I hold facts and truths dear to me. If I didn't hold facts and truths dear to me I wouldn't care about how the republicans are about to steal your true natures and make you into troubled beings. I would just go about the last half of my life doing what I think is correct and not care about what will happen to you. Fortunately though, I am no selfish being. I am instead a caring one who does have his compassion in his heart and his wonder in his mind. I am living as a purely true human being, wondering and caring about the things in life both, animate and inanimate, that I can help to make for a better existence. I know things are often uneven and out of perspective to great ideals, which is why I am striving to help even them out.
     The biggest problem with republicans is that they are not happy. If they were happy they instead would be living happy lives. Not trying to make others suffer because their unhappiness makes them dull and uncaring. Their lives are wasted because they do not see that whatever rules and restrictions they put on themselves is for them not for others who have the same right to live as they please. The republican party is one of ruling others so that they can satisfy some inner desire within themselves. Life isn't like that and the only cause that will come of it is chaos and more suffering. The republican party has yet to learn this lesson and if the rest of us are wiser today than yesterday, the republican party will soon learn this lesson well!

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