Saturday, July 27, 2024

(#5655) trump says we won't need to vote 4 years from now yet no national media mention

      I cannot make this up because it is real. trump said this last night "I don't care how, but you have to get out and vote and again," he added. "Christians, get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It will be fixed. It will be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians." So not only will his beautiful Christians not need to vote again but he somehow will fix it to make it so. So what is his fix? How can a candidate for public office guarantee that there will be no more voting in 4 years?
     There is only one way that no more voting will be needed and that is if democracy no longer exists. One person one vote is the formula for democracy and that has been our tradition. However with trump's statement to his followers last night it is in fact not trump's tradition. he has often talked about being president for life like his dictator friends putin, xi, and un. So it is natural to think that trump will do the same if he is elected to our presidency. He will disband our constitution and coalesce around his followers, rules for all of us without our consent.
     I did find a Newsweek article that mentions his statement last night but it was the only one I could find. Hopefully there will be others later today and tomorrow but with the national media being so far silent on the subject it is hard to believe they will at the last minute show any journalistic concern for democracy. Our news media is acting and being conspiratorial in denying the general public facts that are important to us that help us form opinions. The national media is now contriving to keep information from us that they think will make us wary of their fealty to trump and the republican party which owns many of their news services. Trust your gut and vote with democrats to save not only our democracy but to clean up media so that it is not intentionally detrimental to free thought.

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