Tuesday, July 23, 2024

(#5661) Vice President Kamala Harris is our new democratic candidate for the 2024 election

      Karma is spelled Kamala right now. In that the 2016 election was a huge disappointment for we democrats and the intervening 4 years afterward a much bigger disappointment the chance to get some rectification is at hand. Hillary Clinton beat trump in the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes but under the antiquated process of the electoral college trump was awarded the victory. As an aside, Hillary did not contest the outcome as she followed the rules that were in place. Unlike trump who didn't follow the rules in place and instead tried an insurrection against Biden when he lost to Biden in 2020 by 7 million votes. A woman of honor in 2016 compared to a man of disgrace in 2020.
     Now that we know that Kamala Harris will be our democratic nominee after President Joe Biden bowed out of the race for 2024. This provides another chance for America, 8 years later, to elect its first woman president. Last night Kamala got more than enough pledges from delegates that were committed to Joe Biden to overcome any other candidate who has not yet entered the contest to replace Joe. None will now that Kamala has filled the void left by Joe. The amazing enthusiasm that Kamala has engendered in all of our party is incredible. She truly is the right person for the right job in the right moment. I had foreseen a blue wave election earlier and now see it much more clearly.
     I expected that Joe Biden would rally our party and like minded independents/republicans against the forces of anti democracy but things slipped away for Joe in the last month. So for him to recognize that a change was needed mid stream was a vision of beauty. Not only are the republicans beyond their own convention but they are stunned by the Harris injection of enthusiasm in our democratic party. The prosecutor versus the criminal is a tagline that is going to hang around trump's neck this whole election and his inability to combat wits with Harris will be his eventual epitaph. What should have happened for Hillary in 2016 is about to happen for Kamala in 2024. Karma Kamala indeed!

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