Tuesday, July 16, 2024

(#5644) Under the trump project 2025 the working middle poor class will know misery!

      Even the heritage foundation people admit that they cannot share some parts of their project 2025 with democrats because those parts are too radical. So the republican party is so distorted that they cannot share their vision of America with transparency. There is absolutely one thing I know about the republican party, they take a measure of pride in causing anguish and despair to the working middle poor class. How do I know this? Easy, they never offer programs that will help the working middle poor class with their daily struggles. Instead they offer programs to the wealthy that segue into more pain for the working middle poor class.
     I know that I am constantly saying the republicans, especially trump, want to end democracy and create some kind of theocratic/authoritarian form of government where they never have to relinquish power. I find that so disgusting and anti American that I do keep saying how the republican party is no longer a party that believes in equality, fairness, justice, nor the pursuit of happiness for all its citizens. I am sure I am not complete in my listing here either. Yet they continue to deliver this nefarious desire to harm more than help. None of us should take for granted that republicans will be laughed at for trying to take our democracy as they have shown they will go to any length to make it happen.
     The prescription is clear. When the voting time comes there cannot be one vote cast for republicans from anyone with even a modicum of decency in their character. The behavior of republicans is a behavior that is closely identified with some other regimes around the world that take from society but don't give back. They are anti liberty and anti human rights. Their disdain for self rule, which is a hallmark of democracy, is baffling since they are trying to use democracy to destroy democracy. Yet that is the playbook of the republican party. Destroying democracy this election will allow republicans the opportunity to end all other future elections where we the people vote to decide our own fate.

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