Tuesday, July 2, 2024

(#5630) The hours are running together

      I know that my life is of little consequence in the big picture of the current harm in the world but it does affect me personally and I suppose it is worthy of discussing. Because of the nature of the things I am trying to accomplish down here it is incumbent upon me to expend a tremendous amount of energy. Nothing much new in my world yet new in one way, my health is a factor now when it wasn't so much before. I have been battling the heat down here in Sacramento to get things in some kind of order. I am winning that battle but may lose the war if I don't stop trying to do everything too fast.
     I have been able to get some sleep which is critical to me feeling like I have energy and that so far has been good. Yet the strain of the work here is heavy and taxes my physical body. I am enduring it and overcoming the physics with intelligent design but that only gets me so far much like pulleys and levers help in their way. So far so good though but there is much more to do. I expect to be called into work tomorrow if others have been doing what they were going to do but if not then another week to rest and get more done here at the house then fine with that also.
     I rarely complain about my physical health but I am under some aching and pains like never before. It isn't like they go away with rest either. So getting used to being plagued with the constancy of the aches and pains is now my new normal. I don't medicate for the sake of feeling better unless my doctor prescribes so until I see the doctor again I will keep on keeping on with lesser fun for the tasks still ahead of me. I do know this though, I am relentless in my persistence. I will get what I need to do done and then hope that other things fall into place so that I can determine if my future lies here in Sacramento or back up into the Seattle area. Time will tell.

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