Wednesday, July 3, 2024

(#5631) Democracy is on the line this coming election

      If you have not figured it out yet that trump wants to end democracy in America then truly you are out of touch with reality. Not that occasionally being out of touch with reality is a bad thing but only occasionally. You would have to be out of touch with reality as a rule and not an exception to have missed the connection of trump to liking tyranny over democracy. Although trump would not liken it to tyranny despite the fact his pals in Russia and North Korea are tyrants. He sees himself more as royalty and therefore king-like instead.
     Our American revolutionary war for independence declared by our Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 is what is at stake here as the republican party has seen fit to undo 248 years of freedom under democracy so that the republican party can control all of America without any dissent. So any vote for any republican at this point is either badly misplaced judgement or a direct link to wanting the end of democracy and instead a tyrannical rule regardless of how it is phrased. So when I say democracy is on the line I am not embellishing or being grandiose about my statement. I am merely stating a fact!
     I have been railing against the republican party for most of my life and now the culmination of that railing is about to become either a fact or a fiction. This next election on November 5, 2024 will tell the world of who we are. Either patriots to democracy or sycophants to tyranny. We, all of us on that election day, will be the final say. I am getting too old now to be the voice in the night and day for all to hear much like Paul Revere and his ride through the night and day, warning us all of the impending battle to come. But others need to be that voice in the night and day because the outcome of this coming election is about to end the history of democracy in America much to the outrage of our foreparents who fought, bled, and died to protect. Are you a patriot to democracy or a follower of a liar who would be king?

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