Saturday, July 6, 2024

(#5634) The exception is not the rule

      I am coming to grips with my own mortality. I am fine as to any mortal infliction but my body is telling me that the days of bygone are truly bygone. I spoke earlier in a blog post about my new normal being aches and pains that are not subsiding. Well last night once again reminded me that those aches and pains are still predominate in my ability to sleep. There was no comfortable position for me to assume that alleviated the aches and pains. Well maybe just long enough for me to fall asleep and then within less than an hour be awakened by the uncomfortable aches and pains in a more acute way. Tossing and turning to find a combination of positions that would allow me to sleep beyond minutes is also my new normal.
     I know I exacerbate my own discomfort by doing the chores that need to be done here. Nothing can help with that since I am the one responsible for getting those chores done. I accept that I must find ways that use more physics and less brute force in order to give my body a break and I am working hard on that. Yet there is only so much physics can do for me since I am the driver of the actions and they come from me. Yet I can still control the actions and limit them even further in order to keep from over exerting and tiring out the areas of my body that are most afflicted with the aforementioned aches and pains.
     The stifling heat is another factor and it is a bit much for me to be in the outside doing chores. I do take my chores seriously and instead of procrastinating with them I get them done early while the sun is still low in the sky. I will be outside in a moment as I finish this blog post and within an hour be back inside where I have other work to accomplish either inside the house or out in the covered patio. Either way though using my strength is part of it and that is where I do the least effective preventative care for myself. Such is life, we all have our burdens to cope with and solve so me and my aches and pains are no exception, instead we are the rule.

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