Wednesday, July 17, 2024

(#5645) Blue wave election still on the horizon

      I still see the blue landslide that may well be. It will begin to show itself as soon a the Democratic National Convention takes place in August. It is early still now with the media playing favorites with republicans but that cannot stand for long as the truth of things get out anyway. By the time our convention rolls around the depth of depravity that is deep within the republican party will be exposed and those who are currently not paying attention will see the illogic of voting republican. Not only is trump a disaster as a human being but his running mate is so flawed when it comes to the truth that he will bend himself into so many shapes to avoid admitting he is without honorable virtue.
     So figuring out the republican ticket will be as simple as trusting your own eyes and ears. With the democrats it is even simpler. We are fighting for the working middle poor class where nearly 90% of all voters reside. So the question on November 5th 2024 is who do you want on your side? Those that hurt you or those who help you? This is why I still see the blue landslide. There are too many who understand that going backwards toward an obedient republican wished for society where women are held as second class citizens is irrational. Meanwhile there are too many who see that the democrats are about economic prosperity for everyone and wish for that to continue.
     As to democracy, there are only the democrats who are fighting to keep it as our governing principle. The republicans are not siding with one person one vote and instead are trying hard to disenfranchise too many eligible voters through gimmicks and tricks that are nefarious in nature and underhanded in application. The blue wave is coming because there are still too many of us who demand that our politicians work for us and not the other way around. We the people means a lot to most of us and we are not about to let go of that for some carnival barker trying to sell us an apple pie made from rotten apples.

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