Sunday, July 14, 2024

(#5642) Early voting starts in 68 days

      We are nearly at the start of the early voting period. With Minnesota and North Dakota starting in 68 days less than 10 weeks from now it will begin. The next day, 69 days from now, Mississippi, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming will start their early voting process. The campaigns are now in full on mode to get their messages out and what is clear is that democracy is on the line especially with project 2025 being forwarded by republicans seen as the main threat to democracy. Not only that but the republican nominee has made it clear that if he wins he will not likely leave the presidency during his lifetime however long that lasts.
     President Biden, the democratic candidate, is all in on democracy. Which is one person one vote. He knows that we the people need democracy, like our founding foreparents knew was the best form of government to exist and fought like crazy to bring it into being. The American manifest destiny of democracy is threaded throughout our 248 year history. Letting republicans destroy that legacy left by our beloved ancestors is akin to undermining the one great thing that makes us the greatest country on the planet. The fact that republicans don't like other races that are non white, nor do they equate women with being equal to them, nor those who are not wealthy, is their ill foundation. So why would anyone vote for a political party that has such a disdainful condescension?
      Apparently playing on fears is the recipe for the republican party and those who vote for republicans are either as mentally unaware of the complexity of their desires or are all in on destroying our democracy. Whatever reason there is for voting for a republican cannot excuse what that enables them to do to our democracy and fellow citizens. A democratic vote is a vote for equality, liberty and the individual and collective pursuit of happiness, as long as no harm comes to other(s), While a vote for a republican is a vote for repression, denial of rights, and the only pursuit of happiness allowed must be approved by the republican leadership. It seems clear that in 68 days a verdict on all of this will start to be rendered and then we will know the fate of America!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s me katie. I love you uncle. I’m here for you if you ever want to tell me stories about my uncle or my dad, or if you just want to talk. I would love to be the one to listen.