Saturday, July 20, 2024

(#5648) Abortion as a woman's choice to control her own body stays when we elect democrats!

      Not only are abortion rights protected through democratic policies, women's rights in general will improve. If we elect enough Congressional members we will see the Equal Rights Amendment become constitutionally protected. That we need a constitutional amendment to give women their equal rights with men is absurd in this day and age of enlightenment, yet republicans have yet to evolve to that elevated consciousness. Which is why you hear me constantly telling anyone who will listen to stop voting for republicans. They have not learned enough about humanity to safeguard and improve a more perfect union.
     This election is very simple. Keep our democracy and the equality laws we have up to now installed while also continuing to create more equality laws that give all our citizenry the same rights as any other. Otherwise the equality in our current laws will go away under republicanism while there will be no new creation of laws to grow our equality. The republican party is against equality for all and if you just look at their policies it is as plain as the nose on my face. They are against women having equal rights, they are against foks of diversity having equal voting rights. They are against everyone in the working middle poor class from having the American dream where anything is possible.
     In my heart and mind I know this election will be a blue wave tsunami. Not because of the corporate shill media polling nor the bombastic statements by the current republican carnival barker. But because our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces, and female friends are not lesser than we men who love and honor them. We stand shoulder to shoulder with them as they do with us and never in my worst nightmare have I ever thought that women weren't as capable if not more than we men. Women are so strong on the inside that they make us men pale in comparison. Because they have learned to endure hardship unlike we men who cannot fathom their depths. We male democrats get that!

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