Thursday, July 25, 2024

(#5663) The prosecutor versus the felon

      We are having a presidential election beginning with early voting in 56 days. 102 days plus some hours until the actual election date on November 5th but with early voting in Minnesota and North Dakota starting 46 days early, we are nearly in that window. So this tagline of the prosecutor v, the felon is not only appropriate but it is unmistakable. Kamala Harris has been a prosecutor and trump is a felon. so here we are in a presidential election with a law enforcement officer versus a criminal. How this can even be a contest is difficult to imagine but that it is says more about the failure of our society than it does about honor and integrity is revealing.
     By failure of our society I am talking about our principles of living. Whether being a person of good character is actually known to those who are backing the criminal. How can some let a criminal come into the highest political office in our society without questioning his foundational purpose. Believing him is one thing but not fact checking his claims is another thing. Where did the idea of verifying truths and facts go? How come it is easier to believe even someone who has no right to be believed than to ask is this true? How can anyone give the benefit of the doubt to a criminal who has expressed his sympathies with dictator after dictator while dismissing the democratic allies we have built up over centuries?
     In this coming election, now that we are mostly assured of knowing our replacement candidate for President Biden, the facts will matter. Getting more people to believe the facts is our mission and for that we are not thanking the national media who continually downplay the criminal while looking for fault with the prosecutor. But we the people are not fools and cannot be fooled by those national voices that try to tell us that a corrupt individual is better than an honorable one. We the people are going to show not only the national media but those wealthy who control the media that their day of reckoning is coming alongside their corrupted criminal choice and his political party acolytes.

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