Friday, July 26, 2024

(#5654) We Democrats are united behind our candidate Harris

      Unlike on the republican side where a conman who is also a felon is running to be president, we democrats are solidly behind our candidate who is a professional law enforcement figure who is also a politician. On the republican side they have a convicted felon, 34 counts of felony charges, a rapist who is at least closely connected with sexual activities with underage girls. Our democratic candidate has no such dirty laundry in her past. All she has done is be a valued public servant willing to help our society as best she can. Not so with the republican candidate. His obvious agenda is to help himself at the expense of the American people.
     So why is this race so close? Well there are many people who believe that the republican candidate is some form of godliness. I cannot get there regardless of any logic supplied yet too many do. Our democratic candidate is a woman of color so the republican party is lambasting her as not equal because of her gender and race. There seems to be a lot of white folks, white men especially, who think that any other race than white is not equal to them. We here in America seem to be poised to let race and gender dictate worth and value of a person. Instead of merit, intellect, and heart. I find that although there are a lot of white promoters of superiority there are not enough to overcome democracy, at this point.
     My sense about all of this is that the loudmouths in the republican party along with their wealthy donors are skewing sentiment, especially through polling. That will not hold up to the test of time. I suspect that the momentum now on the democratic side will keep building and create such a gap in popularity that the democratic party may well be on its way to a wave election. For now the numbers don't show it. However, as time goes by and the logic of democratic policies weighed against republican ones will transform any sentiment for republicans previous to the Harris candidacy away from them and toward democrats and what is better and best about American democracy.

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